Your browser does not have native video playback capabilities. You may download the video below. Recorded: May 02, 2015. More info. Featuring: Father Arnold DePorter Jessica Rosenthal Frank Deckelman Theresa Brundage Vatsana Brundage Abigale Vahle Pat Spruill Kelsey Greene Tanya Brundage (2 years and 1 month)Sue Deckelman Paul Greene Geoffrey Brundage Ellen Greene R. Gaudin Greene Elizabeth Deckelman Location: Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church, Silver Spring, MD Tags: family Videographer: Matthew Brundage Download: MP4 Webm Videos featuring R. Gaudin Greene (3) William Godding Deckelman 54:51✓ selected Easter Egg Hunt (supercut) 3:04 First birthday party (supercut) 4:55