Your browser does not have native video playback capabilities. You may download the video below. Recorded: March 08, 2014. More info. Featuring: Tanya Brundage (1 year and 3 days)Vatsana Brundage Abigale Vahle Laxman Murukutla Emily Vahle Tyler Kinzy Nicholas Kinzy Vannee Pounkone Nancy Kinzy Brad Kinzy Jade Abrams Souphy Pounkone Matthew Brundage R. Gaudin Greene Geoffrey Brundage Ellen Greene Theresa Brundage Ray Abrams Garin Daniellian Paul Greene Indrani Murukutla Pannipa Pounkone Emiko Watanabe Location: Augustine Way, Gaithersburg, MD Tags: babychildfamilyfriendsmilestone Videographers: Emiko Watanabe Vatsana Brundage Download: MP4 Webm Videos featuring Jade Abrams (1) First birthday party (supercut) 4:55✓ selected